Friday, March 14, 2008


I love Heroes... of all kinds, shapes and sizes... who wouldn't...but the thing which has caught my fancy rite now is Heroes the show -season 2. I am amazed at the kind of effort that goes into the show... with so many characters, so many locations, etc... it must be a nightmare top produce it but if the end product is this good then it is worth all the effort.

But then, I keep on wondering which of these heroes would I like to be if I get an oppurtunity... Hiro is the first person that comes to my mind... not because he is soooooo cute with his innocence of saving the world and being a superhero.

Then comes sylar... the bad ones always leave a lasting impression. Then comes Monica... there is something about copycats with us Indians, so she scores more than Peter Petrelli and others... Hey I wud even love to get into somebodys mind and read their thoughts... on second thoughts no... it would drive me crazy!

Till the next episode of Heroes then,

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