Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The thing that finds umpteen mentions in all horror films and is voted as the second most emotion after love. Yet, many hesitate to give it the due importance that it necessitates just because they are afraid of whatever terror it might unleash if they give it its rightful due.

It is fear which drives this world…not money, not politics/power, definitely not love.

It is the fear of being ridiculed that prompts Mr Sharma to buy the plasma TV to put down Mr Gupta; it is fear of being second best that drives Prashant to put in the extra hours of work than Sumit; it is fear of ever growing love handles that sends Divya to the Gym; It is fear of not getting selected for the top institutes that pushes Ankit harder into his books; it is fear of not getting promoted that drives Priya to neglect her family; it is fear of being alone that builds walls around Madhu.

Why is fear so fearful?? Is it because unlike Money, it doesn’t multiply exponentially in a linear fashion but grows in all possible directions (screw the 3rd dimension… we are talking about the 350th dimension here). Is it because unlike Power (which only the strongest or the cleverest or the smartest get), anyone with any ‘est’ can get it. Is it because unlike Love, you don’t fill reams and reams of paper expounding the virtues of it.

What is fear?? How does one define it? Does it start with the small noise coming from the kitchen in the middle of the night… that suddenly wakes you up and as you lay listening to all the little noises of the night, you slowly realize that the loudest thump is coming from your own arteries blocked with fear…which then gets enveloped by the strange shadows being cast on the door from the living room… and as the shadows cast their mysterious web on the mind, the mind is consumed of thoughts unknown… from a simple noise possibly made by a house lizard bumping across the light bulb on its nightly vigil, the mind travels eons into the depths of all the horrors that can be conjured …pausing only to leave an imprint of fear… fear of extinction, fear of being slayed while sleeping, fear of being killed while you still have to achieve your dreams, fear of being exterminated while you were almost there on the first rung of the ladder of your dreams, fear of being annihilated while you haven’t provided for your near and dear ones, fear of being slaughtered without saying proper goodbye to your friends, fear of being murdered without having anyone to call to talk over this phenomenon called fear.

Is there any escaping fear?? There is … wait for the next post!

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