Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Why do people travel? To see a new place, to know a new culture, to experience new feelings? Who invented travelling? Why is it a multi-billion dollar industry?

I don't know.

I do however know why I travel...not to get away from the rigmarole of life. Nor to see new things. I see new things, places almost every other day. I travel to discover my self. And I travel solo.

I have discovered that I am caring and considerate unlike the gruff image that I usually portray. I am also genuinely interested in knowing people unlike my city face which doesn't have time to smile at strangers. I also shake a leg or two which would put horrified expressions on people who claim to know me. But the most important discovery about self has been the ability to know what makes me happy....and that is everything!

I am just stuck up in my mind....but away from the hard nosed career woman, all I want is to be a little girl who is awestruck at anything and everything....to be a dog who hangs out his tongue if in a car...to be a proud tiger who is scared of humans....to be a sheep in the big city...to be innocent.

I travel to discover the real me. I travel to find the one who is lost amongst deadlines and social protocols. I travel to be free of expectations. And I travel solo. 

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